Do you need quality cleaning

How do we clean windows?

You may be interested to know that SPS were the first people to introduce the Reach & Wash system throughout Guernsey.

The real science behind the reach and wash commercial windows cleaning system is the fact that we use pure water. It might sound rather simple but the truth is, pure, deionized water is especially good for cleaning windows. Environmentally friendly 100% pure de-ionized water actively absorbs dirt to clean windows, frames, cladding & signs without the need of cleaning chemicals or detergents.

During this process, water is pumped up through a tube next to the pole and released upon command when it reaches the brush on the head. As you might expect, the water is delivered with a lot of pressure which ensures the flow is sufficient to reach the very top of the pole.

Soft filament brushes on the top of the pole allow us to remove stubborn stains on the windows, while making sure that the frames are not damaged in any way. If the building happens to be old or of heritage status, you should also know that this brush is so sensitive that it will not do any damage. You can even use reach and wash systems on stain glass windows and this is possibly the most sensitive type of glass.

Gutters & Facsias

Pressure & Other